For three years, him, Adam Gibbons, Sabine, Kevin and so many others have told me about this event.
'D, you are gonna Love it! You HAVE to come...'
'For a dancer, this is Heaven. Are you coming next year?'
I kept putting it off for THREE YEARS. What is wrong with me?! I am ALL about the Beach, Meeting wonderful souls and of course, Dancing. So I packed my carry-on and headed to Playa Del Carmen, Mexico for Mi Casa es Su Casa Holiday 2012.
OH MY GOODNESS!!! The experience has forever changed my mind, body and soul. The individuals I met there are beautiful. Coincidentally, I bonded on an even greater scale with some wonderful souls I already knew.
Seeing Osunlade and Djeff, on top of getting big hugs from many made this trip beautiful. Osunlade with his suspenders, badass shoes and pipe. His set at the Blue Parrot set a sister on fire. The ancestors were lock and loaded with his set. I turned back to see him playing without headphones. That's a bad motherfucker! Hands down one of the dopest sets I have heard this man play. Ahh I love him!
My first night was the meet and greet. I ran into so many people I already knew: Jenn and Brad, Asya Shein of Fusicology, MasterKev, Justin (Aquabeat), RamonRawsoul, Julius The Mad Thinker, Adam Gibbons and so many others. I took a quick shower after a long day on the beach and went down to La Santanera for Uhuru Afrika/Wepa! event. Oh my goodness talk about spiritual! Sidy Maiga was on the drums. If you do not know who this brother is, Google him. He has worked with my fellow brother, Boddhi Satva on a few projects. I was in a trance by the drums and danced the ENTIRE night. I ran into my homie, Sabine, and it all went to another place RIGHT then and there. Met Lucid of Soulshifters and Odie (San Francisco) and we got it in as well. Big ups West Coast! Still SALTY that I missed Jose Marquez on the decks! I got you next time, homie! I know he ripped it. Big ups Max Pela and Adam Gibbons for keeping a sista on the floor and sweating her hair out the first night. That is dancing!
Friday was a crazy day as well. Went to hear the ladies on the deck for It's Her Turn! Helen Ting of Hong Kong: I'm gon' need for you all to peep this lady! I was sleeping on her and I apologize! She ripped the decks. DJ Tabu did her thang as well. I think the performance that shut down that day was Lady Alma. I LOVE me some of her! Her mic went out at one point and she started SAAAAAAAAAANGING like no one's business! That sister is the truth! I LOVE her voice and God has surely blessed her with it. After her performance, I ran into her and gave her huge hugs. Guess who was RIGHT there? Lisa Shaw! Talk about awesome! Such a sweet soul.
That night was the United Nations event at The Blue Parrot. I walked into about 11:45-ish because I COULD NOT miss my boo Sabine on decks! That sista is the TRUTH! I am so proud of you, woman! You always hold your own, but this night, you took it to another level. Love You bunches! Hallex M of Hong Kong (Paris) did the damn thing. When he played Kerri Chandler's remix of 'Rain', a sista was DONE! I do not think the locals who were not used to dancing of such magnitude knew what to do. Me, Soukeyna and Sabine all zoned out, cleared the area and just went RIGHT into it.
Osunlade got on the decks and shut it down until 5:30 in the morning! Needless to say, it was magical. Starting off with 'Cantos a Oya et Ochun', going into his remix of 'I Want You' by Floetry to hearing vocals bringing the return of the Black Messiah to Moodymann's 'Shades of Jae', a sista was on another planet. He always does that to me. I got to meet MAWU's own, Linda, on the dance floor. Talk about humbling. It is funny when you think no one knows who you are and come to find out, they do. Truly an experience. I shall forever treasure that night.
Saturday it was off to Om Tulum for Turntables on the Caribbean. Nickodemus, Eddie Plenty, Dj Numark and Sabo brought the tunes in. I met even more amazing souls that day. We dance to Old School Hip-Hop, House, Salsa, Soul and so much more. The water was PERFECT. But yeah, fifteen minutes away from us was a jungle with wild animals and shit. Talk about interesting. Not about that Life at all. We had fresh food and wonderful drinks to keep us all going in the spirit.
WARNING: Saturday night was STUPID! I needed dirt, a casket and someone to carry my ass out! Atlanta's own, RamonRawsoul started the night off right. I do not think I truly expected this night to be this mind-blowing!! I knew Ramon was gonna shut it down. Djeff SHUT IT DOWN FOR ALL OF MI CASA HOLIDAY! To be honest, he played better than when I saw him in Miami for Winter Music Conference and Atlanta! This dude had people calling all types of names. I felt my ancestors on the dance floor and went bananas! He played some newness from Boddhi (Do NOT think I did not ask! lol) and that was all she wrote. I was doing handstands, screaming out things I never knew I would say. When he busted out with EnaWadan's 'I'm Still Standing', I knew it was about to be a wrap. LAWD!!!! Where was my dirt? DJs were by the booth and were just mesmerized like they had seen a ghost. I was screaming up to the Heavens as to why he was bringing such goodness! I look over and see Joann Jimenez and she replies, 'I think I am pregnant!' Homie, you are the truth!
After his set, Julius got on. I'm not gonna even lie, if I were the DJ after him, I would have kept my shit in the bag and went back to my hotel room. That energy was DIVINE! After his set, he tells me, 'I hope they bring me back next year...' ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! He will PROBABLY be a staple for Mi Casa Holiday! AND he wanted to get back on. Someone would have had to mop me off the floor. That foolishness would have not been pretty at all. My homeboy Kevin is upstairs playing and he smacked the Hell out of me with the goodness he played. Sidy had his drum and there was a little drum circle going on. his energy geared more towards me and Sabine. Her and I felt the Orishas around us and that was all that she wrote. I needed to cool down. However, when I looked up and opened my eyes, the damn sun was OUT! I danced ALL night until 7:30 in the morning!
Sunday was more of a lax day. It was the last day. Oh so sad to see everyone packing. Some already left on their respective flights. We chilled for the Ambassadors' closing party. Salah represented ATL VERY NICELY with his set. This man is doing amazing things for our scene and it is great for the rest of the World to see it first hand. Osunlade got on next and played all old school tracks! I loved it! So refreshing and the blend was PERFECT!!! Mikeytown got on! This dude is hilarious! If you put him and Djeff side by side, I PROMISE you that they are RELATED! His set was awesome! Kept all of us going. We all sung in unison and vibed out. David Sabat got on and brought his Chi-town flavor. I see you, homie!!! I miss Keith's set. Sadface. I heard it was smooth as well :) That night was the Soiree/Farewell event. We all hugged, took pictures, kisses on the cheeks and of course, more dancing. I got my feet some loving, courtesy of a foot massage. Ahhh yes!! I needed it after all of the days of dancing!
Vibing out with wonderful souls. I shall treasure the moments we shared. I got off the shuttle and into the airport and cried. I LOVE YOU MY MI CASA FAMILY!! UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN... <3 nbsp="nbsp" p="p">

It was great to see you, my beautiful friend! You are always a breath of fresh air. Hope to meet again soon! XOXO
Hate you missed the Until Soon Soiree, it went down one more time that Sunday night! Until next time. --dj NIMBUS--