What better way to celebrate my homie, RamonRawsoul's birthday, than to have Chicago's own, Anthony Nicholson come down and bless the A with goodness? Big ups to Karin, Kai, Ramon and all who do this amazing event every month. Without you all, I would have no where to go. For real. Love You all!
Now mind you, the last time the Chicago cats came down, Jamie 3:26 shut the place down and destroyed the dance floor RIGHT after House In The Park. Big ups Jamie! Oh, I cannot forget Julius The Mad Thnker coming down and putting a whoopin' on all of us. Stayed on the dance floor the entire night. Many were appreciative of the range that both cats provided. I love my fam! Mad LOVE!
When I think of Anthony, I think of the raw and deep sounds hailing from the Southside of Chicago. I envision 45s blaring out soulful tunes that keep the sound of the movement together. When Glenn Underground came down, it reminded me of how similar their styles are. Raw, organic, eccentric, full of soul and Yes, may I say it, BLACK!
Sometimes (NOT all of the TIME), I get an heir of superiority from certain DJs. They look down on our city as if we do not know the sound and its origins. As soon as the music starts flowing and people are feeling it, their energies shift and at the end of the night, it is all LOVE.
A sista is not gonna lie: I was a bit nervous meeting him due to the simple fact that I have been a fan of his work for years now. A real humble man who brought in the goodness from beginning to end. At the end of the day: Thank You so much for sharing with us.
Ramon warmed up the crowd with a mixture of goodies to satisfy any palette. The room filled up nicely and before midnight, we were getting it in. There are still tracks I have not heard of that these gentlemen played. Kai brought the heat with that damn goodness from Karizma. When is 'Lonely Town' coming out?! He put his foot in that. Oh, did I mention, it was DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME?! A sista was delirious in the music and on a high. Seriously. I have not had that feeling in a long time. I think us gaining one hour to beat it out on the dance floor did it. My body is STILL feeling it!
ONCE AGAIN: Thank YOU, gentlemen! I approve of this goodness!