Never had this much fun and dancing the entire weekend. I got to see peoples from all over (big ups my NYC family! I LOVE you all), dance my heart out and let out tears of joy. Once again, THANK YOU Salah Ananse for conceptualizing this idea and making it a reality. Atlanta is TRULY impressed, as am I. Oh, the consensus from people that heard you spin is that you are phenomenal! Keep it going, brother! I am here if you need ANYTHING!
Alright, back to the goodness: I got my interview with Baltimore's own, Kris Klayton, better known as Karizma. When I tell you this cat ripped his damn set - OOOOOOH WEE!! Hearing 'Chasing' and 'Rain' through the speakers gave me an out of body experience. Last time I saw him was in the UK at Southport Weekender and he did not disappoint. I missed Saturday night and I am a sad panda because of it. Nonetheless, Sunday made up for it all.
I volunteer every year for House In The Park and every year I go, I always get something out of it.
Lesson Number One: Folks never learn. Why you out at the park 4:30 in the MORNING setting up your grill and food?! It was that serious, folks!
Lesson Number Two: Hugs and Love are essential in Life.
I had an emotional moment not only because of a hug, but the song that was played. Kai Alce was banging ':Let Me Show You' by Kenny Bobien and a good friend I have not seen in a while came up and hugged Rodney Williams and myself. We let out a sigh and then tears rolled. The power of Love and support is something that I never take for granted. This individual gave me open arms when I came onto the scene at the age of 16 and it is only just that I continue to spread that as well to those who are not used to this sound called House.
Lesson Number Three: DO NOT set a park on fire.
I'm going to need for folks to get their grills in check. Why was the event ALMOST shut down because of someone and their grill?! Then people in the pavilion dancing scream out loud, 'The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire! We don't need no water let the motherfucker burn!' Really everyone?
THANK YOU Kai Alce, Ramon Rawsoul,Kwest_on, Ian Friday, Roland Clark, DJ Kemit, Salah Ananse and SO MANY OTHERS for making Labor Day the business! So yeah, the stats of House In The Park: Fire Marshalls say 6,000 to 7,000. Let me be honest and tell you AT LEAST 10,000 EASY.
Here are pics to prove the craziness that weekend...
Much Love