INVOCATION' through iTunes, Traxsource and other REPUTABLE sites.
Let me just put this out there: Boddhi Satva is one of the MOST humble people I have ever met. Have you ever met someone so humble that you were scared to approach them? That is how I was when I seen this being in Miami a few times during the Winter Music Conference. His spirit is beautiful and blessings be upon him tenfold. Now that I have been acquainted with this individual, I can truly say it is an honor and blessing to have met him. ANYONE have footage from the dance circle that he GOT DOWN in?! A sista is just asking...
I purchased '
Invocation' and I can truly say that this man is the TRUTH!! When I went to the album release party in Miami during Winter Music Conference, I did not know that so much went into this album (Ten years of craft, to be exact). I have been a huge fan of his music for several years (going back to 2006...whatchu know about that?!) when he was on the hip hip/soul tip. For those that doubt his mastery of music, you may want to have a seat and eat a cookie with some milk on the side.
A breakdown of some of my favourite tracks:
From An Other World: For real?! Vikter Duplaix always make a track sound sexy and when you add the Ancestral sounds, the track is oooh wee!! When the single came out, I purchased it and played it over and over and over again.
How Sex Changes Things: A different approach to sound that many may not be accustomed to when hearing Boddhi's tracks. Vocals are key in any House Music track. This track is straight to the point and on it!
Who Am I: When I first heard this track, I could not help moving and getting it IN! So raw and strong from beginning to end. I enjoy the percussion as well on this track! FIRE!!
Ngnari Konon - This is the sound that transformed my sound of Ancestral House times ten. Reminds me of the Central African Republic and the traditional dancers with the garb on. My hips sway and I get down. HEAT!!
Stop Crying - Can we stop with all the HEAT from this album already. Still a banger!!! A real message within this track. Allez Viens, mes amis!
Invocation - Cannot forget the track that starts this album off!! Not to be slept on. Organic, Raw and Original.
The album is just HOT LIKE FIRE! There are VERY few artists whose albums I will buy and this cat I will BUY anything he comes out with.
Congratulations once again, my brother! You deserve it! Much Love to you and see you soon! Here is the interview that I did with him in Atlanta for Tambor Party:
Much <3 all!!