So, yes. It is that time. I feel that the Deep House scene here in Atlanta is great. However, it is on Life support. The feeling that others get when you hear a song and the crowd erupts, that IS Deep House Music. We all have been in this game for a minute and it is time for all of us to shine. Post what you feel and how you feel. Look for information to tickle your fancy. I know --- the interviews are mad late. Being busy, yet keeping your head from underwater sure does make things go by so fast.
I want us all as a community to come together. MJQ is no more. Trendy clubs shut us out because they feel we are not the 'base' that they want. Many of us do not go out to events just to look fucking cute while holding a drink. I laugh when I say this. Reminds me of WMC in Miami of 2007. These damn Buckhead Betties (I shall call them) were in the damn way. Timmy Regisford was beating the tracks. Asking nicely does not get through to these broads. However, elbows do the trick. So the bougie and the soulless, stay at home and don't come out unless you are ready to burn some calories and look damn good doing it!
Until then, keep jammin'! More things are on the way.
Love Love